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5 ways being aware of your pet’s health can help them live longer

We all want our furry friends to be around us for as long as possible and leave no stone unturned to ensure they remain fit and healthy even in their old age. When it comes to taking care of our pet’s wellness, there are certain basic rules we all follow from daily walks to feeding them foods as per their nutritional needs. However, it’s important to even address the issues that may be silently affecting our pooch. (Also read | World Spay Day 2024: 4 benefits of spaying or neutering your furry friend)
Catching diseases early on can help in prompt treatment and this is the reason tracking your pet’s health closely can make you aware of the signs and symptoms in initial stage of diseases which could help them live longer.
Changes in weight and behaviour of your pet can indicate underlying health issues. Signs of obesity or low mental health must not be ignored as it can develop into serious health issues from heart trouble to depression. Regular check-ups, balanced diet, exercise, and mental stimulation can also help contribute in your pet’s overall health and happiness quotient.
“Pet-parentship comes with its own set of responsibilities, one of which is ensuring their well-being. Keeping track of your pet’s health might seem like an extra task, but the benefits far outweigh the effort,” says Dr Shantanu Kalambi, Chief Veterinary Officer, Supertails.
“Pet tracking is an indispensable aspect of responsible pet parentship, ensuring our beloved companions receive the timely care they deserve. With advancements in technology making pet tracking more accessible and sophisticated, monitoring our furry friends has never been easier. From routine check-ups to vaccinations, grooming, and behavioural observation, staying vigilant enables us to detect any deviations from the norm early on, preventing potential health complications from arising,” adds Dr Kalambi.
Here are five reasons why you should keep track of your pet’s health:
1. Early detection of health issues: Just like humans, pets can develop various health problems. Regular monitoring allows you to detect any signs of illness or abnormalities early on. From subtle changes in behaviour to physical symptoms, being vigilant enables prompt veterinary intervention, potentially preventing minor issues from escalating into major health crises.
2. Effective preventive care: Prevention is often better than cure, and this holds true for your pets too. By keeping track of their health, you can stay on top of vaccinations, parasite control, dental care, and other preventive measures recommended by veterinarians. Proactive care can significantly reduce the risk of your furry friend falling ill.
3. Maintaining optimal weight and nutrition: Obesity is a common health issue among pets, leading to various complications such as diabetes, joint problems, and heart disease. Monitoring your pet’s weight and dietary habits helps you ensure they’re maintaining a healthy body condition. Adjusting their diet and exercise regimen as necessary can prevent weight-related health issues and promote overall well-being.
4. Behavioural assessment: Changes in behaviour can often indicate underlying health issues or stress in pets. Keeping track of their behaviour patterns allows you to identify deviations early on. For instance, increased aggression, lethargy, excessive vocalisation, or changes in litter box habits could signal discomfort or illness. Addressing these changes promptly can improve your pet’s quality of life and strengthen your bond with them.
5. Quality of life enhancement: Ultimately, monitoring your pet’s health is about enhancing their quality of life. Regular check-ups, proper nutrition, exercise, and mental stimulation all contribute to a happier, healthier pet. By actively managing their health, you’re ensuring they can enjoy a longer lifespan filled with vitality and joy, enriching both their lives and yours.
